Friday, September 16, 2005

How Do I begin in this kind of nothing..
My feelings aren't really clear..but i have them..
My brian is near to a menthal collapse..
My heart beat like a drums in a concert..
But i can't figure what is this..
What the hell is wrong with my brain & my heart..

It's late in night..
I'm sit in my chair thinking..
Thinking bout you..
My celphone tow times..
I answer and It's you..
My heart start his beating, at the sound of your voice..
My voice is a bit nerviously..
You say..-hey claudia i'm so close to your house..can i go there??
With my braind thinking in an good answer really fast..I say..- of couse you can come..i'll wait for you..
You say..- ok then see you there..!!..

Wow!!..I'm so astonished..
It's like a dream coming true..

I can see your car..and ?I can see you walking over me..
My eyes are stars..
I see your smile..and the way you look at me!!..
I want to jump into your arms..and hug you..and kiss you..

You're there stopped in front of me..
You take my hand and kiss my cheek..
I'm so shame..
you look at my eyes..and take my face in your hands..
I just can't think cleary..
What do you want..?
Is this a game..??
What are u trying to say..?
My heart is jumping of emotion..
I can listen to the words that leave your mouth..
but i can't understand..
It's true that..
I just can't believe it..
Are u saying that u love me..for real..?
I feel the mouth and the dry throat..
I'm trying to speak..
But my words are nothing..
I'm trying to think cleary..
But my mind Is to busy with your eyes looking at mines..
I only can make a question..and it must be a good question..

My lips are half-opened..
And my eyes don't leave yours..
You take my face in your hands..
And you approach plus your lips..
I can feel your breathing..
I can feel that you are nervous, even more nervous than I..
I touch your right hand in my face..
I can see the spark in your eyes..
That possessive spark..That I like so much in you..
You approach plus your lips..To join my lips..
I feel this heat current in my body..
I can feel your lips for first time..enjoying mine..
You open my lips to introduce your tonge..
I feel that my cheeks are going to explode of as much accumulated blood..
Your tonge is s sweet..
We have to interrupt the kiss to breathe..
I'm so shaken..
my heart, my brain, my eyes, are so out of control..
I just can jump to your lips again..
and kiss them, and eat them..

The words are clear in my head..
I say..- I love you too..!
and with a big smile in your look at baby that have a lolly pop..
and kiss me again..
You just say four words..
I Love You Too..!!


Blogger Anabelle Pérez said...

Wuay!! yo quiro!! yo quiero!! jejeje... lovely my dear... ;)

4:35 PM  

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